Sunday, November 25, 2007

Home Improvement photos

Crazy Busy...

OK, so I know we haven't blogged in a long long time. So many things have happened. The Red Sox won the series, the Utes lost, work is crazy, Bill Clinton came to town, home improvements, etc. Clinton, what a charmer. J and I went up to the U to hear him speak. I'll let her blog more about that if she wants but he made a compelling argument to vote for Hillary. Work- J has been really busy with new clients and acting as "help desk" for old ones. I stayed home one day and in the midst of my projects overheard her literally tell a client to click here and open this and "Do you see the back button at the top of the page?" No wonder this part of her job drives her nuts. My work has been crazy lately too. I found out that my boss was being laid off and then had to help the company lay off about 50 people. I usually love my job but ending someones employment is horrible and a little stressful.

So onto to more important and happier things. Our good friends J & M celebrate a Korean harvest festival every year around this time. Their house has been undergoing a big renovation so we volunteered our new place for "Chusok" this year. Of course 50 people coming over to your house is a great motivator for home improvement projects (like I really need an excuse for those things). In prep for Chusok we retiled the fireplace. It was all white before and just blended into the wall, we painted our bright gold brass shower surrond silver, we installed new outside lights (house warming present from my mother, she thought our old ones were awful), we painted the outside trim stucco and the front door, new doorknobs, and the bigger project... we renovated the downstairs bath. The previous owners had tried to stain the oak cabinets by just slapping on some dark cherry stain and they looked horrible. They also painted the bathroom mustard brown/yellow, kind of the color of baby poop. So it was due for a face lift.

We stripped/sanded and stained the cabinets. Painted the walls and ceiling, twice, we didn't like the first color, it was too light. We got new cabinet hardware, a new sink and faucet and a new countertop, a few new accents and Voila, a new bathroom. We wanted everything to be a perfect as possible for Chusok. The party was a success but those of you who check out J&M's blog can see for yourselves.