Tuesday, October 14, 2008


L & I have taken up knitting. We figure as long as we're watching baseball (please even it up Red Sox!) or cable TV for the political scene (which sometimes feels like watching a train wreck -- i.e. no matter how awful, you just can't look away), we may as well get something accomplished. Like beanie hats. Or scarves. Or. . . well, that's all we know how to do for the moment, but be sure to watch for the fingerless gloves and felted handbags.

We got started knitting because a friend and client of mine opened a knitting shop called Blazing Needles. If you have always thought (like I have) that knitting was for other people, Blazing Needles will definitely change your mind, even if you don't take up knitting. Visit them at 1365 South 1100 East, and definitely come by for Knit Night on Thursday evenings, usually complete with a bit of cheese and wine.

So far, I've learned that I am a "twisted" knitter and that you need a few accessories in order to really become a knitter, including several sizes of needles (who knew!?) and markers and patterns. Unless all you want to knit are hot pads I suppose.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

McCain under siege!

The idea that Katie Couric is such a fastball interviewer is mostly laughable (and I actually do like Katie Couric--but not necessarily as a hard news anchor). Good thing Senator (Pouter) McCain straightened us out on that one (and Pat Bagley remains one of the most brilliant political cartoonist from our great state of Utah). Poor little Palin.