Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Lucy's First Snow Day

We've experienced our first snow storm of the season, and it's Lucy's first major snow storm (not counting the skiff we had a couple weeks ago). Since she has a flare for the dramatic, she was running laps this morning launching herself into somersaults in the snow. She soon discovered that eating snow was also fun, so we threw snowballs around the backyard and took some pictures, snowy face and all.
Lucy stalking a snowball


I was cautiously optimistic for an Obama victory, but silently and greedily hopeful for a mandate. We shed a few tears at the news as well as during various moments of Obama's speech. Whoever tried to persuade us that words don't matter has never studied history and its great orators. Now onto the greater challenge of taking words to action, but you've got to start somewhere.

Although Utah remains red, Salt Lake County moves further towards blue with a good county mayor and a county council with 5-4 dems to gop, and that should count for something for those of us who like living here and operate within a progressive and dynamic community.