Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ode to Pugsley

The snow has melted and so I am now back to blogging. There isn't a great reason other than being lazy or busy that we haven't blogged but that have been a few unfortunate events have impacted us lately, like having pneumonia for 4 weeks.. But this blog is not about that.. it is dedicated to a great little man "dog" that we truly miss. We lost our little male Boston terrier right after Easter. We came home from Easter dinner with family and he had a little seizure, or so we thought, I stayed home from work watched him for one day and then it was off to the vet. The vet heard something in is heart and thought he might have a leaky valve but he would be just fine and we could take him home after a few tests....They called a couple of hours later to let us know he was ready to pick up, but before J could pick him up they called back to sadly inform me that he had passed. Some of the hardest news I had to hear in a work setting. I tried to call J to catch her before she got there. She came and got me instead and we went to the vet's. We have the best vet in the world. So concerned they gave us tissue as soon as we walked in, tried to cheer us up, but we were and are heartbroken. He was fine one minute and the next was gone, an apparent massive heart attack. We had great support through it.. Jen came over that night with flowers and sat with me so I wouldn't be alone while J went to a meeting. I took a day off work and busied myself with projects around the house...
Some might say he was just a dog, but he had been in my live for 11 years. It was driving to get Pugsley as a puppy that I almost died of laughter when I heard KG sing the wrong words to the soundtrack of "Grease" .... Grease is the word it's the word that you heard it has food it has meat in it".... I laughed so hard I cried. I guess to an islander that is what grease is about food and meat.. :).. We missed the exit in the canyon because we were laughing so hard.
He was the little dog that we pretended to give to a niece that was heartbroken that she couldn't have a dog of her own. We even took her to get pictures taken with him.
He was J's first real pet. She was raised with fish and lizards (things that could be flushed if necessary).. She was a little hesitant about dogs at first, but he became her little man too.. She would give him baths, go for walks and ofcourse tolerated the stinking gas from time to time.
He was a sweet little man, he will be truely missed, especially Maggie(our female three legged Boston) his playmate and friend. She is now struggling, she seems lost and so sad. He can never be replaced but I think for her and for us we are going to have to look for a puppy sooner than later. I really thought she would snap out of it but she misses having a friend.
So there you have it... We are back in the blog 'o' sphere..